Holistic support, because well-regulated payment transactions are not everything!
We want your success! That's why we support you not only through our excellent network in the area of banking, financing and payment processing, but also with our partners from the marketing and sales segment.
After all, what good is it to you if you have optimally positioned your company in the area of payment transactions, but do not acquire enough customers who use these payment options?
In times when attention has become the most precious commodity, it is becoming increasingly difficult to get into the perception corridor of your new and existing customers. This makes it all the more important to have partners at your side who know exactly how you can do this best and most cost-effectively.
Platin Solutions arbeitet mit ausgewiesenen Experten zusammen, die Dir helfen, Deine bestehenden Kunden zu binden und Neukunden für Deine Waren, Produkte oder Dienstleistungen zu begeistern.
Since many marketing and sales activities overlap and cannot be considered separately, it has proven useful to take a holistic look at overarching corporate goals and define a strategy in an analysis meeting.
Übrigens: das erste Analysegespräch ist für Dich immer kostenlos. Es steht Dir danach frei, ob Du die Umsetzung Deiner Marketing- und Vertriebsaktivitäten in Eigenregie vornimmst oder auf die Experten von Platin Solutions zurückgreifst. Schedule a free analysis call with our marketing and sales experts here.
We serve our customers here in particular in the areas of:
- Online and offline marketing
- Strategy and positioning
- Website development and optimization
- Social Recruitung
- Google Ads (search engine marketing)
- Social Media Marketing
- Social media agency service, content creation
- Local Marketing
- Digital Marketing
- Customer hotlines, inbound telephony
- Outbound sales campaigns